
The Introduction of the Special Issue

Semiconductor nanomaterials have unique properties that these properties can change with their morphology and size, so the nano-sized semiconductors have attracted much attention and the various methods have developed for the synthesis of them. This special issue aims at creating a forum of discussion on recent advances in synthesis of chalcogenide semiconductors. This issue accepts high quality articles containing original research results. Subject matters should be strongly related to synthesis and characterization of chalcogenide nanosemiconductor. The aim of this issue is to report synthesis of new materials with special applications. An article to be published in this issue must contain either some new applications to real world problems or reveal novel aspects of the theory applicable to new situations.


The Research Scope of the Special Issue

·Synthesis of semiconductors

·Synthesis of metal selenides

·Synthesis of metal tellurides

·Synthesis of metal tellurides

·Investigation of application of metal chalcogenides


Submission guidelines

All papers should be submitted via the Current Electronics and Telecommunications submission system: http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/CET/index

Submitted articles should not be published or under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the field of interest of the Special Issue.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Due: Waiting for confirmation


The Lead Guest Editor

Azam Sobhani