
Advances in preparation and applications of Biochar and its compo-sites

hong-hong Lu


With specific surface area, high adsorption capacity, low cost, and strong stability, Biochar has been widely applie D to improve soil quality, increase soil carbon sequestration, remediate polluted environment, and reduce soil emissions of greenhouse gases. Recently, efforts have been made to enhance the adsorption capacity of biochar by preparing biochar-based composites with New properties and new structure via combining biochar with the other materials physico-chemically. This review summarized the preparation, characterization, and applications of Biochar and biochar-based. The adsorption behavior and remediation mechanisms of biochar and its composites in soil and water environment were ssed in details. Key points and directions on Biochar Composites were proposed.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1828/cmr.v6i1.161


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