
Influence of graphene oxide on mechanical properties

yiwu Yan


The coupling agent modified graphene oxide (go) is added into phenolic resin to prepare basalt fabric</b 12>

Reinforced phenolic composites. The influence of graphene oxide mass fraction on the mechanical and impact properties of basalt fabric reinforced Phenoli C Composites was investigated. The results show, the addition of Go in

creases The flexural strength , The modulus and Interlaminar strength (LSS) of the basalt fabric reinforced phenolic. The maximum flexural strength and modulus areobtained at the go mass fraction of 2WT%<b 14>, which s M

creased by nearly 39% and % , respectively. The Maximu mimpact load and damage absorbed energy increase by 40% and /b17>60%,respectively, after adding 1wt% go.


Graphene oxide (go) ; Surface Modification ; Basalt Fiber mechanical Properties ; Composite

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1828/cmr.v5i1.178


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