
lignocellulose/Nano-montmorillonite composite for waste water Cu(II)adsorption and desorption

Zhangxiao tao


usinglignocellulose(LNC)with nano-montmorillonite(nano-mmt)intercalation Composite preparedlnc/nano-mmtComposite asadsorbent, simulatecopper-containing wastewaterCu((I)sorption and desorption experiment.through static adsorption experiments,studywithCu((I)Initial strong of solutiondegree,pHvalue,adsorption temperature and adsorption time to solutionCu((I)effects of adsorption effects.results show:Best adsorption condition isCu((I)Solutioninitial concentration0 03mol•L1,phvalue4.9,Adsorption temperature°C,adsorption time60min,adsorption capacity reached maximum322. MG•g1no., (,)The quasi two-level kinetic model can well describe its adsorption process,adsorption isotherm compliantLangmuirmodel.useHNO3tolnc/NANCR MMTcomposites for desorption regeneration Experiment.Theresult shows that:with0 1mol.L-1forHNO3as adesorption,desorption temperature40C,Ultrasounddesorption time30min maximumdesorption283. MG•g-1.combinationXRD,SEMandFTIRanalysisLNC/NANO-MMTComposite Materialadsorption mechanism for material.adsorption/desorption Cycling Experimental study shows:lnc/nano-mmtComposite Reuse4Theadsorption is still higher at times,is aExcellent recyclable and efficient adsorbent.


Lignocellulose;Nano-montmorillonite;Composite;Cu((I);Adsorption;desorption;Waste water

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1828/cmr.v4i1.181


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