
Nonlinear resistivity and Charge transport characteristics of Sir/sic composites

zhuoran Yang


In order to the effect of nonlinear resistivity on space charge and surface charge properties of Sir/si C Composites, the nonlinear resistivity, space charge and surface charge potential of sir/sic composites with different Si C particle content under different voltage were measured. The change of nonlinear resistivity under different voltage and the influences of nonlinear resistivity on charge tion and dissipation were analyzed. The results indicate that resistivity of Sir/sic composites does not present obvious nonlinearity when the SiC content is lower than 10. The resistivity experiences a nonlinear change with the increasing electric field when the SiC content exceeds% and th e threshold field of nonlinear resistivity declines when the SiC content rises. In the spaces charge polarization process, low resistivity suppresses the accumulation of spaces charge in Sir/sic s while in depolarization process, low resistivity accelerates the dissipation of space charge. The acceleration effect is also found in surface charge dissipation of Sir/sic. Generally, this paper looked into the change of nonlinear resistivity and charge property of Sir/sic Composites, providing Referencesfor the application of nonlinear resistivity materials in DC cable accessories.


Cable accessories Silicone rubber; SiC particles; Nonlinear resistivity;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1828/cmr.v4i1.185


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