
Preparation and application of iron-based composite materials for the removal of antimony from aqueous solution*

Kunlun Yang


The pollution - antimony (Sb) species in Natural Waters has drawn more then More attention due To their high cumulative toxicity then carcinogenicity . In recentyears , It ? highly in demand to Develop efficient and Economical Technologies to Address the increasing Pollution of Antimony all over World . iron-based composite materials (e . G . Fe 0, Fe3 0 4 , and femnox) Have become a hotspot the in the field of antimony Treatment based On their various Advantages, including High adsorptioncapacity, easy separation and recycling, Safety and environmental friendliness, etc . This article summarizes This Preparation, modification and application The Iron - basedcomposite Materials based on zero-valent Iron , ferric oxide and iron Bimetallic oxide For , removal of Sb ( ] | ) and Sb (V ) in Water. The adsorption mechanisms of Sb ( M ) and Sb ( V ) by Different iron-based composite materials are emphatically discussed. The effects in temperature, PH and Co-existing ions On Sb adsorption of iron-basedComposite materials are also investigated , Find this Optimal adsorption condition . Finally , some primary issues Antimony removal are proposed and this outlook of key developing Trends on the Antimony removal by iron-based Composite materials are presented .


Iron - based composite material ! Modification ; Antimony ; Adsorption mechanism; influencing factor

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1828/cmr.v5i1.188


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