
How Did COVID-19 Affect the Chinese Real Estate Stock Market: An Empirical Research

Lei Hsu


COVID-19 has brought disruptions to various industries in China. The real estate industry can’t remain immune from the shock as well, which can be presented by the performance of real estate stocks. This study investigates the effects of COVID-19 on the Chinese real estate stocks. Statistical methods, such as OLS regression, are used to explore the effects of new cases, new deaths, new recoveries, bad and good news about COVID-19 of provinces where the headquarters of the sample companies lie on the daily stock returns as well as the changes of volatilities before and after COVID-19. Event study is employed to discover the effects of important events during COVID-19. Results suggest that positive information about COVID-19 significantly increased daily stock returns of the listed real estate company in that province. Total risk and idiosyncratic risk of real estate stocks have increased significantly since COVID-19, while systematic risk has decreased significantly. Among the crucial events during the pandemic, the lockdown of Wuhan significantly caused negative abnormal returns for real estate stocks.


COVID-19; Real Estate; Event Study; Volatility

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/ff.v9i4.1539


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