
Innovation and Research of Commercial Economic Model under the Background of Economic Globalization

Xinlai Sun


The globalization of capital has promoted the average growth of the economy. While distributing the fruits of economic growth, the majority of people pay more attention to the higher demand for material life. The increase in power consumption has brought about a change in consumption concepts. Millennials are the main force in the consumer market. On the one hand, due to economic conditions, reasonable consumption is required. On the other hand, they pursue the luxury and pleasure of a materialistic society. The globalized business process in the contemporary world seems to be continuously enhanced under the drive of economic globalization. What followed is that political multi-polarization has become more intense, cultural diversity has increased, and the pace and boundaries of scientific and technological informationization have increased. In the context of globalization, the rational logic of advancing the "four modernizations" undoubtedly provides impetus for the process of bringing people to peace and prosperity in the future, and clearly shows the many reasons for the theme of this period, so it is more comprehensive and in-depth development. There are many possibilities for human society to move towards modern commercial civilization.


Economic Globalization; Commercial Economy; Model Innovation

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Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/ff.v10i3.2367


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