
Analysis on the Current Situation of Channel Business of Real Estate Asset Securitization

Ronghui Pang


Since the restart of asset securitization in 2012, under a series of policy incentives and market promotion, the scale of China's asset securitization market has been expanding. However, real estate companies obtain financing through asset securitization channel business to avoid supervision, which will increase the financial risk of the capital market to a certain extent. Looking forward to the future, relevant departments need to continuously strengthen supervision and management, improve relevant laws and regulations, deepen the reform of the financial system and enhance the training of financial professionals, so that real estate asset securitization products can really play a role in promoting the sustainable development of the real estate market.


Asset Securitization; Channel Business; Real Estate

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Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/ff.v11i2.3043


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