
BRICS bank's relationship with existing international financial insti-tutions: A perspective based on complementary competition

fang Ye


The BRICS Bank is a filling of the huge demand gap for developing countries ' developmental financial products under the existing International monetary system ; The Brics bank and the World Bank's to eliminate global poverty and promote global sustainable development goals a Sex , makes the collaboration between the two widely available Universal Space ; How to support the development of developing countries more effectively is the BRICS bank and the existing international financial institutions at present and future competition content , is also the driving force behind the reform of existing international financial institutions and the International monetary System . Relationship between the BRICS Bank and existing international financial institutions , complementary to dominant at this stage , Future Competition-driven , Regardless of the stage , complementarity and competition are all embodied in the mutual promotion of the relationship ; Dynamic development of complementary competitive relationships , will make the reform of the international monetary system more reasonable , Fair , in a valid direction .


BRICS International financial institutions Complementary competition

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/ff.v0i0.476


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