
Comparative Study of International Financial institutions "an-ti-money laundering Regulatory Information Management System

yanwei Wang


improving the anti-money laundering regulatory Information management system of Chinese financial. Institutions would help improve the efficiency of anti-money laundering Regulation, fully utilize the limited resources, and ensure the successful implementation of the RMB internationalization strategy. [method/process] taking the international financial institutions " Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Information Management system as the study objective, social network analysis as the main Comparative analysis of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory information Management system in three MA Jor international financial institutions from mainland, SAR, and the Kong United are States out. [result/conclusion] The findings in thisstudy can Help realize the potential value of financial institution ' customers, academic s, and effectively activate the intrinsic motivation in financial institutions for improved anti-money laundering RY Information Management.


International financial institutions Anti-Money Laundering Social Network analysis information management System

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/ff.v0i0.490


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