
Transition to Renewable Mix — “Win-Win” Strategic Relationship Between China and Chile

Gerui Cao


China’s growing ambition in asserting its global power is being witnessed by all international actors. In 2015, China led in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which shares the identical structure with that of the US-led World Bank Group. The AIIB is widely perceived as a major vehicle through which Beijing inserts international soft power with financial aids. In addition, the 2013 launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has only been linked with nothing but expansion in trade establishment. China also shows growing interest in Latin America for its market, resources, and geopolitical location. Chile, alongside with Ecuador and other countries, has already signed a memorandum of the BRI. China has also stepped into the local energy market -- Argentina, Chile’s neighbor, started the Argentine-China Joint Hydropower Project, which will construct two dams in southern Argentina and is expected to generate 4,950 MWh of electricity.


Renewable; BRI; Expansion; Memorandum

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/gfr.v3i1.1618


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