
The Introduction of the Special Issue

The smart home ecosystem is still in its infancy and we can say that it is not really here yet and more is yet to be realized. The developing of speech recognition, face recognition, 5G as well as other computing infrastructure from various vendors is creating a new wave of issues and concerns. There is a growing concern in terms of security and privacy issues which hinders the adaptation of smart connected home ecosystem. This can also be argued that the issue of privacy is only a small issue and as soon as users are able to realize that they can do more and do things easier with the connected and seamless integration of devices and service, they will ignore the security and privacy concerns. Another issue to be considered is the issue of getting the wrong advice or information in particular in reference to health issues.

Putting the concern of users aside in reference to how their information will be utilized by the companies or third parties, what will be the likely implications if a malicious user is able to harvest this information and miss use it or just have access to it. Another vector of cyberattack also relies on the weakness of the devices or the security of the connected home ecosystem network.

This special issue is here to receive state of the art research results that deals with any of the issues identified i.e. how can these systems interact in an environment with multiple users, the implications of government or authorities miss use of such powers in terms of speech and face recognition, are we looking into the issue of big brother watch or similar issue in terms of monitoring systems in China either for classroom teaching improvement, scoring user behavior etc, are users able to finally ignore the security issues and make proper use of the perceived benefits of a connected home ecosystem. What are the likely legal and political implications of use or miss-use of advance development?

Nonetheless, the special issue is not restricted to topics mentioned but is opened to papers in similar areas addressing both technical, social and human aspect of cyber security of the connected home ecosystem.


The Research Scope of the Special Issue

· Is the Smart Home here or not

· Implications of a connected home ecosystem

· Defending the weak point of an attack vector

· Cyber attack prediction model for smart homes

· Privacy and Security issues of connected home ecosystem

· 5G and the smart home security issues


The Article Title of the Special Issue

1: The future smart home ecosystem

2: Securing the current and future smart home ecosystem

3: The implications of 5G within the connected home Ecosystem

4: Are we ready for the smart home ecosystem

5: I know more about you and yourself

6: Securing the Cyber-physical infrastructures from the smart home view point

7: Smart homes are we there yet?


Submission guidelines

All papers should be submitted via the Information and Computer Security submission system:


Submitted articles should not be published or under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the field of interest of the Special Issue.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Due: October 31 ,2019


The Lead Guest Editor

Abdullahi Arabo