
Facial Authentication as A Possible Solution to the Challenges in User’s Security and Privacy in Web Applications

Francisco D. Guillén-Gámez1, Iván García-Magariño2,3


In recent years, new technologies have become the focal point of any operation or digital system. Smartphones are increasingly gaining ground as a technological tool that combines a large number of applications and online services. It is an observable reality, as operations are increasingly being carried out in electronic commerce applications, banking transactions, health applications, and distance education. However, the widespread use of these types of practices means that more risks can present themselves through the internet. Therefore, any organization must take into account changes in virtual security, having to face possible cyber attacks or identity theft. Although smartphones have become a powerful tool in daily lives of most people, it is true that it has brought a series of challenges in the security and privacy of users, where facial authentication seems to be a possible solution to this type of problems. This article reviews the most relevant current existing literature about facial authentication as a biometric system, as well as the systems available on the market, so that organizations can use them with its clients or users.


Facial Authentication; Technologies; Privacy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/ics.v1i1.591


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