
The Introduction of the Special Issue

In recent years, wireless and mobile communication systems have become increasingly popular as an inexpensive and promising means for ubiquitous communications. As for this scenario, the QoS provisioning and the management of network security have become crucial tasks to determine the success of future generation wireless mobile networks. Besides, the energy efficiency is still of great importance for the mobile divice. Finally, the applications of mobile networks, such as mobile crowd sensing, fog computing, etc. bring in the risk of leaking users' privacy.

Therefore the Qos provision and the energy efficiency are vital for the proliferation of the mobile communication systems and the mobile computing applications. Consequently, this special issues call for cutting-edge research achievements on the provisioning of QoS, energy efficiency, as well as Security in wireless and mobile networks. It also aims at increasing the synergy between academic and industry professionals working in this area.


The Research Scope of the Special Issue

· AI and machine learning based applications for ad hoc networks

·Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination

·Energy-efficient architectures, algorithms, and protocols

·Internet of Things (IoT) devices, gateways, and infrastructure

·Energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks

· QoS and Resource management

· Wearable and human-centric devices and networks


The Article Title of the Special Issue

1:Energy efficiency of WSNs

2:Qos of IoTs

3:Theory, architecture, and applications of IoTs

4:Security of edge computing

5:Deep learning in IoTs

6:QoS and Routing

7:QoS in the Wireless Internet


Submission guidelines

All papers should be submitted via the Journal of Networking and Telecommunications submission system:http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/JNT

Submitted articles should not be published or under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the field of interest of the Special Issue.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Due: August , 2019


The Lead Guest Editor

Dr. Deyu Lin

Deyu Lin received the B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Xianyang Normal University, China in 2011 and B.S. degree in Computer Application Technology from Shandong University of Science and Technology, China in 2013 respectively. He is currently studying for his doctor’s degree in computer system architecture in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University, China. Besides, He worked as a visiting researcher in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK from Oct., 2017 to Oct., 2018. His research interests cover WSNs, IoTs, and Ad Hoc network.