
Research on Topoloty Reconstruction Mechanism Based on Traffic Identification

Qishuang Zhu, Hongxiang Guo, Ceng Wang, Yong Zhu


Due to the growing variety of data center services, the bursty and variability of data traffic is increasing. In order to make the network better meet the needs of upper-layer services, it is necessary to design a more flexible optical internet topology reconstruction mechanisms to adapt the changing traffic demands. In the past research on optical internet, all topology reconstruction mechanisms are designed based on global data traffic. Although these mechanisms can fully utilize the flexibility of the data center optical interconnection network topology and adjust topology in real time according to the traffic demands, but when the traffic is presented at the regional level, this mechanism does not give optimal results. This paper proposes a topology reconstruction mechanism for data center  optical interconnection network based on traffic identification for the previously proposed data center optical switching architecture—OpenScale. The simulation results show that it utilizes the flexibility of  the network to save bandwidth resources and increase the wavelength connection bandwidth utilization with a little sacrifice of throughput.


Optical Communication; Traffic Pattern; Area Reconstruction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/jnt.v2i1.836


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