
Application Research of Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Computer Vision

Lei Wang


As an important research achievement in the field of brain like computing, deep convolution neural network has been widely used in many fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, information retrieval, speech recognition, semantic understanding and so on. It has set off a wave of neural network research in industry and academia and promoted the development of artificial intelligence. At present, the deep convolution neural network mainly simulates the complex hierarchical cognitive laws of the human brain by increasing the number of layers of the network, using a larger training data set, and improving the network structure or training learning algorithm of the existing neural network, so as to narrow the gap with the visual system of the human brain and enable the machine to acquire the capability of “abstract concepts”. Deep convolution neural network has achieved great success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification, target detection, face recognition, pedestrian recognition, etc. Firstly, this paper reviews the development history of convolutional neural networks. Then, the working principle of the deep convolution neural network is analyzed in detail. Then, this paper mainly introduces the representative achievements of convolution neural network from the following two aspects, and shows the improvement effect of various technical methods on image classification accuracy through examples. From the aspect of adding network layers, the structures of classical convolutional neural networks such as AlexNet, ZF-Net, VGG, GoogLeNet and ResNet are discussed and analyzed. From the aspect of increasing the size of data set, the difficulties of manually adding labeled samples and the effect of using data amplification technology on improving the performance of neural network are introduced. This paper focuses on the latest research progress of convolution neural network in image classification and face recognition. Finally, the problems and challenges to be solved in future brain-like intelligence research based on deep convolution neural network are proposed.


Convolution Neural Network; Deep Learning; Computer Vision; Image Recognition

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/jnt.v2i2.886


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