
Study of Influence of Negative Transfer of L1 Thinking on Second Language Acquisition

Jingyi Guo


Language transfer is always the hot topic in the history of Linguistic researches. The influence of L1 thinking absolutely exists in the process of second language acquisition and varies with second language learners’ personal language acquisition ability. According to Piaget, junior high school students are in the transitional stage from the Concrete Operation to the Formal Operation, and some of them may belong to the later. Also, the learning years in junior high school is the initial time to study English grammar and write compositions, so this research takes junior high school students of Grade-one as research participant, and mainly focuses on the errors occur in their English compositions. Through the analysis of the reason why they made such errors, the author aims at revealing the influence of L1 thinking on Chinese students’ second language acquisition, also, the author intends to help educators to have clearer thoughts when sorting out educational plans and strategies, and enable both teachers and students to realize the importance of cultivating students’ second language thinking in junior high school.


L1 Thinking; Second Language Acquisition; Negative Transfer; Second Language Writing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i2.1393


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