
The Exploration of Arnheim‘s Theory of Visual Perception in the Field of Art Appreciation and Review in Junior High School

Hui Bai


Rudolf Arnheim (German Rudolf Arnheim, 1904-2007) is a famous Gestalt psychologist and aesthetician in the history of western aesthetics. His research on the theory of visual perception plays an important role in exploring human thinking activities. Arnheim’s theory of visual perception and related research in the field of art education can provide professional and detailed theoretical support for the teaching of art curriculum appreciation and review in middle school. Through the analysis and exploration of Arnheim’s visual perception theory, this paper attempts to apply his visual perception theory to the learning field of junior high school art curriculum appreciation review. Teachers can make use of Arnheim’s relevant research results to make students understand and master art language more easily, and make full use of art language knowledge for art appreciation.


Arnheim’s Theory of Visual Perception; Teaching of Fine Arts in the Junior Middle School; Appreciation Review Course

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i2.1428


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