
The Construction of New Liberal Arts Should Return to the University Spirit

Yun’an Yang


New liberal arts is a hot topic about higher education, which includes essence, content and construction path. There are so many experts and scholars have different views and attitudes towards this issue that they can not agree with each other. The new liberal arts should foster such people, who Have extraordinary quality in ability and morality. It is precisely because of their uncoordinated relationship that the problem lies in the development of liberal arts. For the new liberal arts,It is necessary to return to the value of university itself, which can promote the coordinated development of human and society. Whether it is to establish interdisciplinary platform or interdisciplinary specialty, we must return to the value of truth, goodness and beauty in the university spirit.


New Liberal Arts; Higher Education; University; University Spirit

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Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i3.1568


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