
Taking Late Ming Dynasty Printmaking as an Example to Analyze the Influence of Consumption on the Development Direction of Art

Jie Xiao


From the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century, great changes have taken place in the history of the world, called the “Great Navigation era”, which has gradually opened the prelude to “globalization”. China in the late Ming Dynasty was just in this division point, from economy to thought, all blooming in the elegance of an empire, and the book publishing industry in Ming Dynasty developed rapidly and brightly with the blessing of the Ming Taizu’s “imperial edict except book tax”. Book illustration is inspired by the original function of reading picture interpretation and on essential means of participating in market competition. Illustration books are very popular, almost to the point that there is no book without intention. At the same time, the illustration transitioned from narrative to decorative. This change relates to the fact that the illustration has changed from narrative to decorative. It is because of the change in their demand that the citizen class has become the key customer group to have a great relationship, which has led to a change in art illustration in the late Ming Dynasty.


Book Illustration; Narrative; Decorative; Consumption Demand; Art Development Direction

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Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i3.1606


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