
The Status Quo and Improvement Strategies of Online Teaching Quality Management in the New Situation

Guanyu Wu


During the epidemic, in order to ensure the safety of teachers and students and ensure the progress of teaching, all
schools have launched online teaching to meet the learning needs of students at home. At the same time, this method has realized
that teachers can give lectures when they are not at school, and students can listen to lectures when they are not at school. status.
This paper analyzes the characteristics and status quo of online teaching, and puts forward the method design and organization and
implementation strategy of online teaching, so as to provide references for online teaching teachers[1].

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[1] Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Notice of the Ministry of Education on the issuance of the "Notice on Work Arrangements for "Online Teaching" During the Postponement of Primary and Secondary Schools[EB/OL]. (2020-02-12) [2020-02-27]. http://www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_xwfb/s5147/202002/t20200213_420698.html.

[2] Wu Di. Three difficulties and three misunderstandings of online teaching[N]. China Education News, 2020-02-2(03).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i4.1685


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