
Wabi Sabi Aesthetics in Design

Jing Zhang


Wabi-sabi, the origin of Japanese culture and design thinking, a very fashionable word, is a very famous and sacred
aesthetic thinking concept, cultural lovers in all fields of it are fond of it, but it is mysterious. What is “amazing silence and creation?”
With its own vague, ethereal mystery, it represents a beauty of imperfection, which literally translates from the Japanese to wabi,
sabi. It can be explained this way: it is the simple beauty of simple silence bathed in the halo of time. It is an appreciation of the
rules and respect of nature. The word “design” is the process of conveying an idea through reasonable planning, careful planning,
and various sensory forms. How to integrate the aesthetics of wabi-sabi into modern design and develop it while preserving its own
aesthetics. We don’t seem to have a standard answer. Different people have different meanings of wabi-sabi. In addition, we can
see multiple expression results in different things, such as tea art, Hara Kenya’s graphic design and so on. This is a concept that can
only be understood but cannot be explained in words, which is worth further understanding and study.


Wabi-sab Beauty Design Wabi-sabi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2117


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