
Discuss on the Characteristics of the Color-field Painting’s Manifestation Form

Weihua Ma


The Postwar American abstract expressionism artists had generally acknowledged two perspectives: one is that the
primitive instincts in human nature, the other is the unconscious mind exists on human beings. These two perspectives are always
throughout their art, which tries to explore, reconstruct and create the internal connection. The changes in consciousness causes the
transformation of styles. The branches of Action Painting and Color-field Painting are divided in accordance with the discrepancies
between the new emerging American abstract expressionism artists in ideals and styles. With led by formalism ideology and in
virtue of primitive art and unconscious idea, Color-field Painting seems to present a sublime art in undiscovered realms evoked
by a pure structuredness and the color’s directness in the two-dimensional space. By rejecting literariness, concreteness and
figurativeness and simplifying painting content and painting language, pursuing the color gamut that is color-dominated and
complanate, improvising with limitless expansibility and the form of plane composition, a unified spatial area can be created and
a self-sufficient, pure and sublime art can be presented.


The Color-field Painting’s;Expansibility;Composition

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2127


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