
History of China-Japan Film Culture Exchange and Cooperation Strategy

Yi Zhang


China and Japan are two countries with different political systems. Since the two countries share great differences in
social background and values, their artistic aesthetic understandings therefore various. The year of 2018 is the 40th anniversary
of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between China and Japan, and on May 9 of the same year, China and Japan
signed the Treaty on Joint Production of Chinese and Japanese Films, which laid a This article is based on the Sino-Japanese Film
Co-production Treaty.[1]This article is based on the background of the signing of the Sino-Japanese Film Co-production Treaty.


China-Japan Film ;Cooperation Strategy ;Cultural Exchange

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[1] Cheng Qitai, "A Study on China-Japan Film Cooperation Strategy" [J], China Film Market, 2019( 08): 99-102.

[2] Based on the study of Karl Marx's "German Ideology" [D], taken from the contradictory view in materialistic dialectics,2018.

[3] Data from "China Box Office" website[EB/OL],http://58921.com/film/6071.

[4] Data from "Video China" website[EB/OL], http://v.cnlive.com/ent/a_ha4tqobvge.html.

[5] Sohu.com, "China and Japan to sign film co-production treaty, enjoy domestic film treatment, not subject to import quotas", Netflix[EB/OL], https://www.sohu.com/a/228111956_104642.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2181


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