
Evaluating Virtual Reality as Environment for Adults’Second Language Learning: A Literature Review

Yuxin Liu


Linguistic environments have always been considered as an important factor in second language acquisition. According
to Ortega (2009), “the five environmental ingredients that together contribute to (but do not guarantee) optimal L2 learning are:
acculturated attitudes, comprehensible input, negotiated interaction, pushed output, and a capacity, natural or cultivated, to attend
to the language code, not just the message”.(p. 79)[1] Unfortunately, these ideal language learning conditions are not always readily
available to SLLs. On the other hand, the rapid development and popularization of computer-assessed language teaching (CALL)
and multimedia language environments have led to great attention in language learning in Virtual reality environments (VRE)
in the past few years. Virtual reality (VR) is defined as a system designed to bring a simulated real-life experience, providing
terrain and physical effects to give users an immersive feel. Because of its function, VR is being rapidly introduced by researchers
and educational practitioners to promote a real, immersive learning environment that allows them to continually explore the
possibilities and effects of its application in second language learning.


Language Learning;Virtual Reality;Linguistic environments

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i2.2332


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