
Application of Olf Music Teaching in Percussion in Kindergarten

Jingjing Cui


Olf teaching method was introduced to China by Professor Liao Naixiong in the 1980s. Because its own educational
philosophy is recognized and respected by world music educators and suitable for preschool children, it has played a certain
impact on the development of the field of early childhood music education in China.In the stage of rapid development of preschool
education reform, the traditional basic curriculum concept and mode of preschool education can no longer meet the needs of the
development of The Times.The core view of Olf music education is “original music”, which also emphasizes simplicity, practice
and innovation, which are now advanced concepts in line with the development of children’s education.Integrate Olf music teaching
and kindergarten percussion teaching It can effectively make up for the shortcomings of kindergarten percussion teaching, and Olf
music teaching method can enrich the teaching content of percussion teaching, strengthen children’s language expression ability
and body coordination ability, and can effectively mobilize children’s enthusiasm of children to participate in teaching activities,
improve children’s sense of rhythm while feeling the beauty of music.Therefore, this study conducts practical exploration on the
integration of percussion teaching in kindergarten and Olf teaching method, hoping that by discovering the problems existing in
the application process, solutions can be put forward to improve the quality of teaching, and cultivate children’s interest in learning.
Under the guidance of relevant theories, this study, through understanding the current situation of the Alf percussion teaching in
the kindergarten, we can conclude that teachers have limited percussion teaching level, insufficient support for the Alf percussion
teaching conditions, and puts forward corresponding solutions from these aspects.


Kindergarten; Percussion teaching; Olf music teaching method

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2577


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