
The Necessity of Agricultural Education in the New Era

Chunling Weng


Agricultural education is the basis of strengthening agriculture and developing agriculture. Currently, China’s
agricultural education is faced with such problems as the “new agricultural science” reform of higher agricultural education is still
in progress, the effect of agricultural technology promotion is not satisfactory, and the shortage of high-quality farmers’ training
is in short supply. It is difficult to play its due role in guaranteeing national food security and promoting green and low-carbon
agricultural development. Based on this, this paper proposes that food security and green and low-carbon agricultural development
should be taken as the main clue to actively promote the construction of new agricultural sciences and encourage agriculturerelated talents to take root in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. We will strengthen the establishment of a team of agricultural
technology extension personnel at the grass-roots level in terms of operating systems and incentive mechanisms, and smooth the
path for promoting green and low-carbon grain production technologies. We should improve the cultivation system of high-quality
farmers by innovating training modes and methods, selecting the best training objects and enriching the training contents.


Food security; Agricultural education; Construction of new agricultural science; Agricultural technology extension; Low carbon agriculture

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2586


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