
A Brief Analysis on Non-Arctic Nations Participating in Arctic Governance

Bohuang Pan


Non-Arctic States are appealed to those changes of Arctic regions in recent years, while opportunities that these countries
can participate in Arctic governance are provided due to the “expansion” of the Arctic Council.There are many commonplaces in
the affairs of the participation of non-Arctic countries, including strengthening Arctic scientific research, intensifying diplomatic
relations with Arctic nations, and broadening channels for Arctic participation, etc. Presently, as it is regarded as significant contents
of China’s participation of global governance, China has played an important role in Arctic governance. While keeping a watchful
on Arctic trends of other non-arctic states, China should acquire experience from them, learn from their strength, continuously
improve participation strategy, and deepen the participation process, in order to make contributions to realizing good governance
at the North Pole and benefit all mankind.


Non-Arctic States; Arctic Governance; Arctic Council; Cooperation between Countries

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i5.2715


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