
Research on Gender Factors Related to Career Development in Hospitality Management in China

Mengjie Gong


Owing to the continuous development of China’s market-oriented economy,the service industry has become a dominant
industry in China.As the pillar sector of the service industry,hotels have also flourished unprecedentedly.Human resources are the
key for hotels to maintain sustainable development,and to be in an invincible position amongst fierce competition.According to
statistics,female managers accounted for two thirds of the total managers in hotel industry in China.The study found that social
culture affects people’s perception on women managers’ability and the glass ceiling effect affects women’s career development
in hotel industry in China.The findings suggest that there is room for China’s hotel industry to review the effect of barriers on
women’s career development.


Hotel industry; Human resource; Women managers; Gender stereotyping; Glass ceiling

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i5.2752


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