
Study of Online Banking Service Influencing Factors on Chengdu Commercial Bank Customer Usage Intention

Shuang Liu


With the rapid development of electronic information technology and its penetration in the financial field, online banking has become a convenient, fast, efficient, and low-cost advantage. This paper first reviewed the research on the factors affecting
the development of online banking by domestic and foreign scholars. It then analyzed the effect of online banking services in the
Sichuan area. Based on the academics’ influencing factors on online banking, such as trust, service quality, system quality, use
attitude, conversion cost, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness in adopting the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and
Planned Behavior Theory (TPB) for the analysis of the relationship between the influencing factors and customer usage intention.


Online Banking Service; Commercial Bank; Customer Usage Intention

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i6.2800


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