
The Influence of B2C Marketing Strategy Improving Word-of-Mouth Promotion on Sichuan Consumer Purchase Intention in Clothing Sales

Zijun Cai


The network environment created a new model for traditional word-of-mouth communication and became an effective
way for Sichuan clothing brand consumers to obtain product and service information. B2C spread through Internet media and online word-of-mouth, and consumers could learn about products and services from many scattered and unknown consumers of the
Sichuan clothing brand. This study aimed to investigate the influence of B2C marketing strategy in improving word-of-mouth on
consumer purchase intention in clothing sales with three research objectives: to understand the B2C marketing strategy of clothing
sales, analyze the influencing factors of B2C marketing strategy, and provide suggestions for enhancing the B2C strategy of word-of-mouth for clothing retail operators in Sichuan market.


B2C Marketing Strategy; Word-of-Mouth Promotion; Consumer Purchase Intention

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i6.2826


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