
The Application of Integrating Chinese Elements into College English Writing Blended Teaching Based on the Genre-based Approach

Wen Tian


Ideological and political education should be carried out with all kinds of courses in colleges and universities under
the new circumstances. With the prominent features of instrumentalism and humanism, the implementation of moral education
concerning Chinese elements in the course of college English writing teaching should be the responsibility for the teacher, which
can combine the Genre-based Approach (GBA) as the teaching theory with the blended teaching that consists of online and offline
learning as the teaching model, to thoroughly dig into the Chinese elements from teaching materials provided in the course and
then integrate these Chinese elements into accomplishing writing tasks. In this article, the designed teaching cycle is mixed the
learning cycle of the GBA with the blended teaching model for students to improve writing ability, enhance confidence in Chinese
culture and realize all-round development. As a result, this paper will firstly review the theories of genres and its pedagogy, and
introduce the concept and benefits of blended teaching model. Then by following the proposed teaching cycle, the application of
integrating Chinese elements into teaching the genre of an argumenation as an example will be discussed in detail.


Ideological and political education; Chinese elements; The Genre-based Approach; The blended teaching; College English writing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i7.2944


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