
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Inclusive Education

Yuqiong Fang


This paper illustrates the positive impact of inclusive education in protecting the basic rights of children with disabilities,
alleviating marginalization and mental health, and critically discusses the challenges children with disabilities face in inclusive education regarding violence, self-perception, and educational resources. Access to education as a fundamental right for people with
disabilities can effectively be the only way to break down further “ableist” bias and alleviate the marginalization of people with
disabilities in today’s social environment. However, the medical model and the “ableist” stereotype in people’s minds are challenging to eliminate; the lack of educational resources has become one of the biggest obstacles to universal inclusive education.
To solve the above problems, firstly, the diversity of the social environment for people with disabilities should be respected and
accommodated from a conceptual point of view. Secondly, schools and the government should continue implementing inclusive
education policies and increasing investment in education to alleviate the current situation of insufficient educational resources
and teacher training. Meanwhile, mainstream media should be more objective in depicting facts rather than their traumas to break
traditional prejudices and promote a more equal and diverse social environment.


Inclusive education; Disabilities; Inclusion; Social justice

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i7.2953


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