
Skillful Application of Layered Teaching Method in Senior High School English Reading

Ning Wang


English reading, as an important part of high school English teaching, plays a great role in high school English teaching.
Therefore, English teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students’ reading ability. In the actual teaching, the method of
teachers to cultivate students’ reading ability is relatively single, mainly through reading the text, which leads to the unsatisfactory
reading effect. The reason for this situation is that teachers do not take into account the differences between students, and the one
size fits all teaching method is difficult to improve students’ reading ability. In English reading, hierarchical teaching method is
adopted, which is combined with students’ reading ability, so that each student’s reading ability can be improved. Therefore, this
paper analyzes the application of layered teaching in senior high school English reading, hoping to provide reference for senior
high school English reading reform and improve the level of English reading teaching.


Hierarchical teaching; High school; English reading; Application

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[1] Lin Jiacui Application of layered teaching in English Reading Teaching in senior high school [J] Campus English, 2021 (28): 132-133.

[2] Liu Shanshan Research on the application of layered teaching model in English Reading Teaching in senior high school [J] English Teacher, 2019,19 (06): 76-78.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i7.3009


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