
A Study on the Willingness of Farmers to Adopt the E-commerce Distribution Model of Agricultural Products in Southwest China

Yang Long


Farmers face many challenges to benefit from marketing opportunities. Agricultural e-commerce is a relatively new way
for smallholders to sell agricultural products to buyers, including agribusinesses, retailers, restaurants, and consumers. Agricultural
e-commerce creates better market access and higher transparency in the value chain. There are three research objectives of this
study: to explore the difference in perceived value, attitude, and behavioral intention in using e-commerce by Southwest farmers;
to examine the relationship between perceived value, perspective, behavioral intention, subjective norm, behavioral attitude, and
perceived behavioral control with adoption intention; to suggest respective policies to e-commerce distribution model for farmers


Willingness of Farmers; E-commerce Distribution Model; Agricultural Products

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i8.3087


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