
Facilitating Vocabulary Learning by “3R”-- Recycling, Repetition and Retrieve

Huan Yang


Vocabulary learning is serving as an essential role in language acquisition. Although traditionally there are debates over
vocabulary learning, studies of vocabulary has recently gained much more attention at an academic level. This article shed lights on
how to further vocabulary learning by the mechanism consisted of recycling, repetition and retrieve. By elaborating the conception
of this mechanism, this article reached a conclusion that, for one thing, it can help teachers and administrators set appropriate
targets for learning in order to encourage learners to obtain vocabulary learning skills that are expected. For another, vocabulary
items must not only be known but also be known well so that students can use the vocabulary automatically and accurately.


Vocabulary learning; Recycling; Repetition; Retrieve

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i8.3111


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