
The Impact of Mooc Learning Mode on ' s ' Higher education

suimin JIA


Recently, massively Open Online Course (MOOC) has been receiving attentionCles.Online Learning, interactive learning, flip learning, social learning and a series of the new ideas are attracting many of theWorld's elite universities to join the wave of education reform.Open MOOC Platform could publish high-quality teaching resources to whole society, which was producing a rich and ProfOund impact on higher education.

Large open online courseMoocPlatformAcademy Online,onSea Traffic University self-developed ChineseMoocplatformGood University inline","ÓMoocCollege,MoocMU-class china etc.

Moocsuccessfully applied Internet technology to education,Open TeachThe concept of education is increasingly recognizedby the community,social learning becomesfor a new learning style.MoocWorldwide Rapid development,Primerthehighest level of concern in our higher education sector,Willhave a positive impacton our higher education and network teaching.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v3i1.381


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