
Thoughts Based on the Archeological Culture

Shidong Pei


Since the founding of New China in the 70s, there have been many earth-shaking, unprecedented changes and progress. Thanks to the "Two Centenary Goals", both scientific and cultural circles that have been achieved fruitful results as the archeology development has also been in its rapid development, among which the archeological victory of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties was the most remarkable. The author has a lot of thoughts about archeological culture: how to evaluate the archaeological culture of the past, the order of "cultural naming" and "civilization", and the expectations of future archeological culture. These issues involve both the cultural positioning and the future direction of Chinese archeology. The author thinks about them and puts them in this text, so as to participate in the review, discussion and reflection on Chinese archeological culture.


Archeology; Culture; Thought

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Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i1.882


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