
Analysis and prospects for the use of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Belarus

Yitong Niu


Belarus occupies a strategic position in “the Belt and Road″ initiative. In recent years, Belarus considers the energy efficiency improvement and the renewable energy development as an important breakthrough of socio-economic sustainable development. And Government of the Belarusn Federation has introduced policies to develop clean and renewable energy technologies, optimize the energy structure, and achieve green low-carbon transformation. In order to provide a comprehensive picture of the renewable energy development in Belarus, this paper reviews the renewable energy development in Belarus systematically, by focusing on the current situation of renewable energy development inculding hydroelectricity, wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy and biomass energy;and their influencing factors as well. This paper also analyzes the trends of renewable energy development and the outlook of Sino-Belarusn energy cooperation.


Energy development and utilization; Belarus; Renewable energy; Energy cooperation

Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/pef.v10i1.1623


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