
Impact of thedevelopment of the biofuels industry on food securitytake the fuel ethanol industry as an example

guoxia Xu


Asa kind of low carbon energy, biofuels have energy security, optimize energy structure, reduce carbon
emissionS and other important role.However, theoretical model analysis and foreign experience shows the major food
as the the raw cropsBiofuel production may produced to reclaim land and grain, the influence of the increase food,
prices, and TransmissIon mechanism through international trade impact on the global food supply and prices.Changes
of domestic COM and other food crops planting area of correlation analysis showed this current corn-based biofUels
production scale has not impact cm other food crops and prices.But, as withfood crops or food crops as raw material to
the expansion of biofuel productiOn, it'll inevitably impact on domestic food production and price, for this reason, this
article preliminary estimates THe is the three kinds of biofuels production capacity influence on domestic food
production and pricesFood security and industry development dual goal from industry guidance and regulation, industry
technical support, theDustrial economic incentives Three aspects put forwardthe development of biofuel industry the
policy system and policy


biofuel;Food security;Influence mechanism N

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/pef.v6i1.187


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