
Modeling and simulation of hybrid auxiliary energy unit based on fuel cell/storage device

guoxia Xu


Traditional aircraft auxiliary power plant noise, large carbon emissions, low efficiency, has been unable to
meet the multi-electric/Full-power aircraft development requirements.The fuel cell has the advantages of high energy
density, zero emission, long service life, low noise and high efficiency.In this paper, a fuel cell model is established and
optimized to better reflect its steady and transient performance in.A hybrid system composed of fuel cell and super
capacitor is established as a model of aircraft auxiliary Energy Unit, which verifies that the power quality satisfies
thegjb181a-2003Standard, and compares with the traditional auxiliary power plant, showing its response
speed,Efficiency and work-weight ratio have obvious advantages.


fuel cell, super capacitor, auxiliary power plant, multi-electric plane

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/pef.v4i1.190


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