
Utilization of energy herbage switchgrass production Research progress of fuel ethanol

Xiao hui


Energy crop switchgrasscp_ ' CCircleWrgaplusm)low cost of planting,Easy to manage,Short growth period,is
highly profitable and has a positive impact on the environmentacts as a hotspot for energy research.nonporous from
Switchgrass Energy development features,culture and management way,Biotechnology improvements and
BiologyTheresearch progress of energy crop switchgrass is summarized in the fuel conversion
process.and biotechnology as the starting point,Biological features for switchgrassdiscusses how to Introduction
domestication,Overcoming resistance,makes cellulose effectively degraded,increase the biomass content and yield of
ethanol.in theconversion processforbiofuels,optimizing methods for enzymes,thefermentation efficiency of different
microorganisms was analyzed,Theconsiders not only the characteristics of microorganisms in simultaneous
saccharification and fermentationto consider as an important indicator,Intermittent culture,thecontinuous culture of cell
recycling and the selection of fermentation processes such as in situ ethanol removal are also particularly important.


switchgrass;Fuel Ethanol;Biotechnology;Ferment

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/pef.v4i1.219


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