
Experimental study on characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) in typical cites of Indonesia

Zongao Zhen, Hao Zhang, Mi Yan, Angjian Wu, Xiaoqing Lin, Herri Susanto, Yudi Samyudia, Qunxing Huang, Xiaodong Li


A clear understanding of the basic characteristics of municipal solid waste is the basis for the investigation of appropriate disposal technique. Municipal solid wastes subdivided into 7 categories were sampled in 7 typical cities of Indonesia in this study. The physical composition, chemical properties of the municipal solid waste, as well as the impact of seasonal and geographical changes on the physical composition have been investigated. The physical and chemical characteristics of municipal solid waste in Indonesia is understood in detail.
The average percent content of each Indonesian waste category in sequence is 27.50% food waste, 20.42% mixture waste, 19.41% plastic waste, 14.54% paper waste, 9.25% wood waste, 4.90% textile waste, and 3.98% non-combustible waste. It is found that the seasonal changes have weak impact on the composition of MSW in Indonesia. The moisture content of each type of waste is above 30%, and the lower heating value on a wet basis of the overall municipal solid waste reaches 8.6MJ/Kg, which is well above the World Bank-recommended value (6MJ/Kg) for utilization in thermochemical conversion processes. The results prove that Indonesian municipal solid waste is potential for converting waste to renewable power or other energy products.


Municipal solid waste; Indonesia; physical composition; proximate and ultimate analysis; calorific value analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/pef.v8i1.716


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