
Covid-19 Diagnosis Based on CT Images Through Deep Learning and Data Augmentation

Ruiwen Hu, Tianrun Wang, Yaxing Jing, Tangyu Xu, Feiyu Chen


Coronavirus disease 2019(Covid-19) has made people around the world suffer. And there are many researchers make efforts on deep learning methods based on CT imgaes, but the limitation of  this work is the lackage of the dataset, which is not easy to obtain. In this study, we try to use data augmentation to compensate this weakness. In the first part, we use traditional DenseNet-169, and the result shows that data augmentation can help improve the calculating speed and  the accuracy. In the second part, we combine Self-trans and DenseNet-169, and the result shows that when doing data augmentation, many model performance metrics have been improved. In the third part, we use UNet++, which reaches accuracy of 0.8645. Apart from this, we think GAN and CNN may also make difference.


Covid-19; DenseNet-169; Data Augmentation; CT Images

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/pmr.v11i1.2912


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