
Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Therapy in the Experimental Rat Osteoarthritis with Osteoporosis

Qianyuan Wang, Haijun Liu, Kui Chen, Gengmei Xing, Gengyan Xing


Purpose: Ustilizing the osteoarthritis(OA) model rats with osteoporosis(OP) evaluate and anticipate the effect of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) in various aspects to coexisting of OA and OP in elderly women. Methods: Thirty-six female Sprague-Dawley rats were selected to make model of OPOA through surgery. Firstly, OP model were marked by the surgery of OVX, and were selected through micro-CT. Then, these OP model rats were treated by the surgery of ACL+MM. Finally, OPOA models were comfirmed by the hologiexamination. These model rats were divided into OPOA and OPOA + ESWT (n=12/group). Rats in the sham rats (n=12) were randomly selection from the group that were without treated by surgery. After ESWT, biomechanical analysis, micro-CT analysis, hologiexamination and immunohistochemical assay were utilized to evaluate the therapeutic effect. Mineralisation and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in osteoblasts was analyzed to speculate the possible therapeutic mechanism of ESWT to OPOA. Results: Results of biomechanical analysis and hologiexamination show that ESWT could prevent further degeneration of articular cartilage. Micro-CT analysis and immunohistochemical assay demonstrate that the treatment could improve the microstructure of subchondral bone. Meanwhile, ESWT may improve the proliferation ability or activity of osteoblasts including in subchondral bone of OPOA rats in vivo. Conclusion: Our research suggests that ESWT prevented cartilage damage progression in the development of OPOA through intervening to degradation of subchondral bone.


Osteoarthritis; Osteoporosis; Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy; Subchondral Bone

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/rcsm.v4.i1.3175


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