
Focus and Scope

Lifelong Education is committed to promoting lifelong education for all people, meeting the diversity of learning needs of the general public, building a service-oriented learning society, and promoting people's all-round development. Lifelong Education magazine tracks the frontiers of international theory and focuses on international academic discussions.

The main columns of Lifelong Education are set:
Education first: disseminate new knowledge, new ideas, new practices, and write a new chapter in education.
Learning society: building a learning city, learning organization, learning community, learning family...
Character column: Show everyone's style, explore the lifelong learning model.
Thematic Focus: Focus on social, moral, rule of law, environmental protection, popular science, health, arts and other education.
Exchange of results: Summarize and communicate lifelong education outcomes and practices.
Global Perspective: Publication of research results of important scholars in the field of international lifelong education.
Education for the elderly: Focus on older groups, cultivate learning awareness, and create a healthy life.
Feelings of life: Inspirational knowledge, experience happy learning.


Section Policies

Original Research Articles

Original Research Articles: Referring to those original and unpublished articles, which generally have certain originality and novelty.

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Editorial usually invite the editor from Editorial Board or the staff of Editorial Office to make a comment, and the commented articles are often of great scientific significance. It could cover the editorial management policies and major announcement related to the topics.

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Review Articles

Review articles: an article that summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic within a certain discipline. A review article is generally considered a secondary source since it may analyze and discuss the method and conclusions in previously published studies.

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Case Reports

Case report is a paper in the form of a written report that provides first-hand information for a single rare method/material, and it has a strong guiding significance for the work in this field.

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Erratum & Correction

Erratum involves the update of technical aspect, or refers to the errors introduced by the publisher after the proof correction stage. e.g. replacing the low-quality pictures or add missing information to references.

Correction involves the update of scientific content. It is usually introduced by the authors. e.g. the correction of a scientific data.


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Peer Review Process

All papers submitted to Journal of Lifelong Education are subjected to a stringent peer review process. This is to uphold the high quality of papers published in LE and ensure that the reporting of research work is truthful and accurate.

Upon submission, the article is reviewed by LE in-house editors to assess its suitability for the journal based on the editorial policy and procedural guidelines.
The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) carefully evaluates each manuscript to determine if its topic and content are suitable for consideration.
The accepted manuscripts are then assigned by the EIC to the associate editors according to their respective areas of expertise.
The associate editor selects reviewers from the editorial board or external reviewers who are suitably qualified to assess the paper.
Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript’s originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of results and support for the conclusions, and appropriate referencing of previous relevant studies
Post-evaluation by the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to the associate editor who makes one of the following recommendations: accept, accept with minor revision, or reject.
The manuscript is then passed to the EIC who makes the final decision.
If EIC suggests minor revisions, authors are given a maximum of 7 days to revise and resubmit the article.
If EIC suggests major revisions, authors are given a maximum of 14 days to revise and resubmit the article.
After re-submission of the revised manuscript, the above steps are repeated before the paper is accepted for publication.
Authors of rejected submissions are advised to make an appeal in writing to editorial-le@piscomed.com.
Written appeals should include specific reasons for the appeal and point-by-point response to the reviewers' suggestions and criticisms.
Decisions made on appeals by the EIC are final and no further considerations will be made.


Open Access Policy

As a completely open access journal, Remote Sensing supports wider knowledge exchange on a global scale.

  • Visibility

New readers may be researchers outside the established research environment or from other countries increase the potentiality for more people to look up and download your research work. Open access contributes to better quality assurance because research is visible to more people who can evaluate and cite it. At the same time, plagiarism research will be more difficult.

  • Transparency

Making your research available for free can strengthen your research integrity. Especially if you allow access to your data, thus making your research more transparent. This gives your research more credibility and allows you to reuse the data for new research projects.

  • Interdisciplinary Research

By opening up your research, you can ensure that your research has the best conditions to be able to participate in interdisciplinary research.


Editorial Policies

The journal will not accept manuscript that has been published or is under peer review.

Authors are required to read the “Author Guidelines” before submission and be certain that the manuscript are compiled on the grounds of the journal’s policy.

All manuscripts submitted to Remote Sensing will undergo stringent peer review. Factors in contributions that will be taken into account are acceptable English language, novelty and originality and relevance to the Focus and Scope of the journal prior to the peer review process.

The information is to be used exclusively for the stated purposes of our publishing platform and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

The Journal requires notification if the data of the contribution has been presented in other platform for manuscript that have been published or are being considered for publication in any other journal are not accepted. Authors need to fill out the submission checklist to ensure that these criteria are met.


Conflict of Interest

Declarations of interest from all authors should be received before an article can be reviewed and accepted for publication. All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include but are not limited to financial interests (such as membership, employment, consultancies, stocks/shares ownership, honoraria, grants or other funding, paid expert testimonies and patent-licensing arrangements) and non-financial interests (such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, personal beliefs).


For authors, while submitting, authors must list all competing interests relevant to this work, such as funding sources, the sponsor’s role in job design, data collection, and analysis of results, whether the author serves on the editorial board of this journal.


For editors and reviewers, editors and reviewers must declare any possible conflicts of interest related to the manuscript, and they must avoid the peer review process if necessary. When editorial board members publish in the journals they serve, the editorial board actively emphasizes it, letting authors know that they sidestep the potential peer review process. Common reasons for editors and reviewers should avoid that he or she is one of the authors of this work, or works at the same organization as one of the authors, has a financial relationship or personal relationship with an author.


If no conflicts exist, the authors should state that the authors declare no conflicts of interest.



The language used in manuscripts submitted to Journal of Lifelong Education is English. Authors whose first language is not English may want to have their manuscripts professionally edited before the final submission to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by its prospective readers.


Erratum & Withdrawal Policy


Errors made by editors are errata, and errors made by authors are corrigenda. Neither erratum and corrigendum have any influence on the logic and correctness of the paper. Ideally, all the errors will be detected by the authors and corrected by the publisher before the final publication.

If you discover any errors in the published articles, please contact the editors. Only after receiving approval or instructions from the editors, would we instigate an erratum or corrigendum to a published article.

Withdrawal Policy

If you decide to withdrawal your manuscript after it has been accepted (but not yet published), you must write a letter addressed to our editors at reviewer@piscomed.com, explaining the reason(s) for your withdrawal. Only applications with sound and valid reasons will be accepted. Normally, withdrawal of accepted paper is initiated by editor, for reasons like suspected misconduct and ethical violation.

It should be noted that withdrawing a paper that has been processed for peer-review or is under peer-review is more difficult compared to withdrawing a new submission, for the time and energy the editors and reviewers spent during the edition and evaluation process.

If the approval of withdrawal is granted, a penalty fee of USD 200 is required; a notification of confirmation will be sent to you through email, and the paper will be removed from the journal’s online submission system.

The paid Article Processing Charge will not be refunded if your papers are withdrawn for academic misconducts and ethical violation.




Plagiarism Detection

The journal will not accept manuscripts that are plagiarized in any circumstances. The journal will verify the originality of the submitted manuscripts with iThenticate, the plagiarism detection software.

If a manuscript uses a text copied directly from another source, this text must be written in quotation marks and original source must be cited. If any kind of plagiarism is detected during the review process, the manuscript will be rejected.

Authors and researchers can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission by visiting http://www.ithenticate.com.


Code of Ethics and Practices

PiscoMed publishing requires all members involved in the journal publishing process to adhere to the principles of Core practices as stipulated by COPE (Committee on Publishing Ethics), to investigate misconduct and to ensure the integrity of research.   COPE has defined measures against data fabrication, duplicate publication, plagiarism and retraction, etc. All complaints submitted by the authors to the journal will be addressed promptly according to the procedure set out in the COPE complaints and appeals. The complainant may direct all inquiries and correspondence to the publisher at contact@piscomed.com.

The journal editors take all possible misconducts seriously. The Editors, authors or readers can forward their concerns to the journal if they find out that the description in a submitted article may constitute an academic fraud, research misconduct or publication malpractice. The concerns or complaints on the possible allegations submitted to the journal will be dealt with promptly and appropriately according to the procedure set out in the COPE flowchart on complaints and in PERK. The complainant may direct all inquiries and correspondence to the Publisher at contact@piscomed.com.


Units of Measurement

Units of measurement should be presented simply and concisely using System International (SI) units.


Article Processing Charges (APCs)

PiscoMed publishes all its journals in Gold Open Access format. The scientific community and the general public have free of all restrictions on accessing (e.g., subscription) and free of many restrictions on using its contents as soon as it is published online. PiscoMed does not require readers to purchase any form of subscription to view online versions of the journals. In order to defray our editorial and production costs, authors of the accepted articles are required to pay the article processing charges (APCs). The charges will come from authors' institutes or research funding bodies.

The APC for Lifelong Education is as follows:

Lifelong EducationUS $800



The authorship is based on the following four criteria:

•Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;

•Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;

•Final approval of the version to be published;

•Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.

Changes of authorship:

Any additions, deletions, or rearrangements of author names in the author list can only be made prior to the manuscript’s acceptance for publication. The corresponding author should provide the editorial department with the reason for the change of the list of authors and the written confirmation certificate of all authors (including existing authors and authors to be added or deleted) agreeing to the change. Authors should carefully check the list of authors and the order of authors before submitting a manuscript.

Authorship change requests require editorial approval before any changes can be made.


Publication Frequency

The publication frequency of the journal is semi-annual.


Code of Publishing Ethics

The ethical policy of PiscoMed Publishing is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and complies with International Committee of PiscoMed Publishing Editorial Board codes of conduct.

PiscoMed Publishing endorses the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Policy Statement on Geopolitical Intrusion on Editorial Decisions. And also endorses the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

Submission of a manuscript to PiscoMed Publishing implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content and that the manuscript conforms to the journal’s policies.

Authors should present an objective discussion of the significance of research work as well as sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the experiments. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. Review articles should also be objective, comprehensive, and accurate accounts of the state of the art. The authors should ensure that their work is entirely original works, and if the work and/or words of others have been used, this has been appropriately acknowledged. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Editors should evaluate manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit. An editor must not use unpublished information in the editor's own research without the express written consent of the author. Editors should take reasonable responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper.

Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviews should be conducted objectively, and observations should be formulated clearly with supporting arguments, so that authors can use them for improving the paper. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.

The journal editors take all possible misconducts seriously. The editors, authors or readers can forward their concerns to the journal if they find out that the description in a submitted article may constitute an academic fraud, research misconduct or publication malpractice. The concerns or complaints on the possible allegations submitted to the journal will be dealt with promptly and appropriately according to the procedure set out in the COPE flowchart on complaints. The complainant may direct all inquiries and correspondence to the Publisher at reviewer@piscomed.com.


Copyright and License

Copyright on any open access article in a journal published by PiscoMed publishing is retained by the author(s).

Authors grant PiscoMed publishing a license to publish, copy, distribute, and convey the article.

The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles.



Authors are obliged to declare in the cover letter if the corresponding preprint version of their submission has been deposited on a preprint server, and provide any associated accession numbers or DOIs. Usually, authors are permitted to post their non-peer-reviewed original research manuscripts to community preprint servers except revised manuscript after peer-reviewed already.


Advertising Policy

Advertisers are welcome to place ads on our site if the advertisement is credible, relevant, and helpful for our targeted audience. Advertisements must comply with the relevant regulations of the country. All advertisements placed on the journal website must be approved by the publisher. For more inquiries, please send email to reviewer@piscomed.com.



Facts and opinions in articles published on Remote Sensing are only the personal statements of respective authors.

The publication of any article, advertisement or product informations do not imply endorsement or endorsement by the magazine and/or by its publishers.

The magazine and/or its publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or consequences arising from the use of the information contained in the magazine.

While every effort has been made by the editorial board and the publisher to ensure that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions or statements appear in this journal. Data and opinions expressed in articles, including editorials and advertisements mentioned in this article, are the sole responsibility of the respective contributors.

The journal and the publisher disclaim no responsibility for any injury to the person or property of any person arising from any idea or product mentioned in an article or the advertisement it mentioned.

For authors: By submitting a manuscript, you are acknowledging all publication policies and ethics and will strictly abide by them.

For reviewers: Once invited to be a reviewer, it is imperative that you understand the review policy and proactively disclose any potential conflicts of interest. You must maintain an impartial attitude and ensure that an article is judged objectively.


Indexing & Archiving

All articles published in this journal are included and indexed in the following databases:

Google Scholar

National Library of Singapore

Data storage methods:

  • Self-archive: Authors are encouraged to self-archive final versions of their published articles in institutional databases (such as institutions listed in the Directory of Open Access Repositories).
  • Portico: All articles published on Journals are archived by Portico for a long-term digital preservation.
  • Articles stored on the website: Authors are also enable to get the final PDF version published on the website.