
The Interactive Model of Theory and Practice in the Promotion of Science and Technology Quality of Chinese Kindergarten Teachers

Haiou Zhang, Shijun Xu


Chinese kindergarten teachers’ low-level scientific-technological literacy has weakened the education of children’s science field and even their teaching contents that have violated the principles and practices of science and technology. Taking the combination of theory and practice, from the top design to the educational practice, this paper studies the science and technology literacy of the kindergarten teachers, proposing three unique manifestations in the early childhood science education activities to create a circular interaction concept analogy to Qian Xuesen’s thoughts of technical science, which conforms to the constructivist education activities of kindergarten teachers. The model of “interaction between theory and practice” is constructed based on this concept with the implementation strategy of “reducing theory” in science and technology theory and “swelling practice” in scientific and technological experience though academic education and continuing education using resources of colleges, society and network. This model which has achieved good results in three years of practice provides a reference model for improving the science- technology literacy for kindergarten teachers in developing countries whose national conditions is similar with China


preschool teachers; scientific-technological literacy; interaction; theory and practice

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i5.1191


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