
An Interpretation of the Pedagogical And Cultural Significance of theWriting Ceremony of Confucius Genealogy in the Republic of China

Lianxiang Shi


In recent years, with the rise of folks, the genealogy and its repair activities have gradually become a research hotspot in the academic circle. The Confucius Family Tree of the Republic of China uses Confucius as the ancestor of the ancestors. It has been inherited for more than 2, 500 years, for a total of seventy-eight generations, to the extent of its continuation, the ancestry of the tribe, the vastness of the collection, the verification of the truth, and the preparation of the system. It is famous for its preservation. As a cultural system and cultural phenomenon, the confession ceremony of the Confucius Family Tree in the Republic of China expresses the "consistent" connotation of the culture and culture of the Kong family. This study intends to explain the conceptual structure behind the text of the behavioral scene from the four practical dimensions of society, culture, psychology and life, and to explore the cultural and cultural connotation behind it: observational learning, family identity education and life situation of the saints education.


The Republic of China; Confucius Genealogy; writing ceremony; educational significance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i8.1961


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