
An analysis of the open mode of Taiwan University in the period of lifelong education

Shang Yang


Summary : from 2002 Year issued Lifelong Learning since , through the government , Enterprise , School , Full community Involvement , the end of our Taiwan region Body Education system has been basically completed . briefly review the development of lifelong education in Taiwan , Demand for community overall building campaign , Multiple Learning requirements less child "" An oversupply of admissions , " aging " The generation of education needs of the elderly to comb the era of lifelong education Taiwan's regional universities face The challenge of the . faces many challenges , Universities in Taiwan have responded with an open stance to dismantle the walls . focus on selecting University of Taiwan as a public university and general University representatives , Select meta-Wisdom University as a representative of private and polytechnic universities , detailed analysis of their lifetime education in Taiwan The sets the patterns and features that are open to society in construction . through probing into the social opening mode of Taiwan Regional University in the era of lifelong education , come to a Few points worth the continent Regional University Reference and reference experience : University opening requires a unified philosophy support ,, Organizational Administration for specification , requires rich forms of content , requires the combines its own unique advantages .


Lifelong Education ; Lifelong Learning ; Taiwan ; University Open ; mode

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v3i1.322


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